Smart Sand Kit with Moldable Synthetic Beach for Children

You will love this amazing, soft, easy-to-model, non-stick, IQ BUILDER Smart Sand Kit. The sand kit includes more than 5 pounds of the bright colors orange, green, and purple beach sand.
The smart sand kit has amazing shaping molds, which includes 24 molds in different shapes. The crafting tools included in this kit help you get creative. The sand scooper and a bigger-than-family-size mat can use for the whole family to have some fun and play together.
The Smart Sand at first glance might be said it’s Play-Dough. If you look closer, you’ll realize that Smart Sand is more reliable to maintain its shape for a long time. You can have every little detail etched in your art with the help of the molds.
Play-Dough hardens after a few minutes making it very hard to make new things. When you play with the Play-Dough, it sticks to every container. The Smart Sand Kit gives you a better solution by giving you a non-stick, never drying version.
If you want to use the molds then you just need to follow three easy steps. First, you pick a color and fill a mold with that color Smart Sand. Then, you put it down and wait for a bit.
Finally, you can lift up the mold and there you have your creativity in front of you. If you don’t want to use the molds, there are still options for you. You can use the Smart Sand Kit like clay and make anything you want but, you need to make one part at a time.
I would recommend for both indoor and outdoor play. It is sold for the price of $24.97 for one kit. This amazing gift would make your children proud and fun for the family.