Speed Cube Set for Beginners and Professional Player

A huge variety of toys are available in the market. Parents nowadays want their kids to have toys that keep them indulged for hours. Most of the toys involve some or the other thing that draws them to technology. Giving them toys that actually enhance their problem-solving skills is a must. D-FantiX presents its speed cube set.
The set has a qi speed cube bundle. It includes a 2×2 cube, 3×3 cube, and a 3×3 pyramid cube. The cubes are a classic color-matching puzzle. The kids have to only twist and turn the sides of the cube so that each of the six faces has the same color. Kids tend to understand puzzles related to colors faster. The visual appeal of the colors is what draws them to solve it. The puzzle is suitable for a beginner as well as a professional player too.
The cubes do not need any stickers. The speed cube set includes cubes having a permanent color. Thus there is no need to worry about the stickers peeling off. This adds to the safety of the toy set.
Usually, puzzle cubes have sharp edges that do not allow in the easy movement of the cubes. The speed cube set has curved edges. These edges not only give extra safety to your kids but also help in the smooth movement of the blocks. Its anti-pop technology and structure help in smooth and fast cornering.
The cubes have excellent stability. There is great corner cutting which allows in adjusting tension. It does not corner twist often nor does it lock up. It is difficult to pop hence kids have good control over the movement of each part. Pre-lubrication helps in releasing tension. The cube improves the concentration of the kids. It also helps elderly people to keep their mind sharp even in old age.