Wearable Heart Monitor to Track Heart Rate

Are you a person who wants to keep your health on the check? Can’t afford to spend on expensive EKG? Here is a product for you. KardiaBand, a wearable heart monitor.
Atrial fibrillation is an irregular and rapid heart rate. This increases the risk of strokes, heart failure, and other heart-related diseases. With the busy and unhealthy lifestyle, heart diseases are a common sight. This wearable watch helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases by detecting the abnormal heart rhythm. KardiaBand replaces Apple watch to create a complete heart health device. Hence, you can now keep a watch on both time and heart.
You can forget the trouble of wires, cables, and gels. With the wearable heart monitor, you can check EKG anywhere, anytime in 30 seconds. To use you have to put your thumb on the sensor. The app will provide visual data within half a minute. In addition to being quick, the product is also accurate. Hence, save the visit to a doc to check heart irregularities.
Besides, the wearable EKG monitor has other uses. For instance, track heart rate, notify for an EKG, track recordings and save them. Wearable heart monitors help doctors to take preventive measures before the situation gets worse. Hence, this tech allows in improving the lives of many before its too late. Kardia’s premium membership has many uses. For instance, analysis of EKG, unlimited storage, printed heath reports.
The only person who can improve your health is yourself. This wearable heart device puts the power in your hand to detect and act. In conclusion, this tech aids in finding and preventing heart diseases with ease.